Does Your Dental Practice Have

A Social Media Plan?

The secret to growing your practice and attracting new patients from social media is to have a consistent curated strategy in place that's easy to implement.

Are you sporadically posting about Birthdays and Happy Fridays?

Social media is still one of the best ways to attract new patients, build up your organic presence, and establish your practice’s brand. That is… if you’re using it correctly. However, if you’re only posting spontaneously about random topics, you are missing out on the engagement and practice-building part of social media. Tossing up a sporadic post here and there is not going to help you attract more of the patients you want to see.

That's why we built our Connect90 Method

Expert curated content specifically for dental practices, personalized by your team, all in one easy to use framework.

We'll Provide A Content Strategy To Help Reach Your Goals

We don't use templates. Instead we suggest relevant content based on proven methods to grow your social presence and help attract your ideal patients.

You & Your Team

Can Personalize Posts

Instead of struggling with what to post, we'll build your curated content calendar and allow your team to plug in personalized photos and videos.

A Month's Worth of Content

Done In 90 Minutes

Seriously, you'll have entire month of content scheduled for all your social channels - done in 90 minutes per month. Heck Yeah!

If you’re managing your own social media marketing, it can be time-consuming. Generating ideas, creating content, and posting on a consistent basis can require more effort than your team members can devote to it. Sharing the responsibilities among multiple people in your office can help spread out the burden, but also create fragmented messaging.

Connect90 solves these common barriers and we make it easy!

Why Choose Connect90?

Simple! We include our entire framework at an affordable price. There's no long onboarding process or clunky system you have to learn. Not to brag, but it's one of the best intentional marketing decisions you can make to alleviate the burden on your team and start getting traction online.

Promote Your Practice

Yes, patients want to see your services, but they also want to like you outside of the chair.

Attract New Patients

When you show up consistently, it attracts patients to want to choose your practice.

Show Off Your Team

Be personable and stand out. Let patients know what it feels like to be YOUR patient.

Boost Your Searchability

Your social media accounts are one of the first places people will search for you.

Boost Marketing ROI

You can spend money on ads and mailers all day long, but social proof compounds these efforts.

Easily Edit Content

Want to change a post or make your own? Sure! our framework allows you to customize the curated content and create your own custom posts.

Retain Control

You are in 100% control of your channels and content. We just help you with what to post and when. Plus, we offer support as needed.

Refocus on Priorities

With Connect90 you'll spend less time thinking about what to post and more time with patients in your practice.

Success Stories

We've helped dental teams just like yours stay connected and consistent

"I would recommend Connect90 to any dental practice! "

"I would recommend Connect90 to any dental practice. Connect90 has made our social media posts so much easier! Their easy to use system has freed up hours of our time that we now focus on running our practice. Thank you!"

-Sara Farrelly, RDH

“We have someone on our team who is perfect for social media marketing, but they just need some content ideas, tools, and guidance.”

If the above statement sounds familiar, know that you are not alone. We hear this type of plea for help often. It’s exactly this need that motivated us to create a timely social media marketing solution—one that’s easy to use, yet highly personalized to help grow your practice.

No contract or hidden fees

There are no long-term contracts and no setup fees, just lots of friendly smiles!

Let's see if we're a good fit

We know how busy a dental practice can be, and how outsourcing your marketing isn't for everyone. We built Connect90 to bridge the gap so everyone wins.

The framework to free up your time and consistently grow your practice with social media.

Contact Us


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